Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Sunset in Key West

Another wonderful Key West vacation has come to an end.  And what better way to reflect on an ending than with a sunset.  

                                         Watercolor on paper 5.5x12.25

The beaches of Key West are not quite the same destination as their northern cousins of Miami or Ft Lauderdale and as a result we tend to spend more time at the pool.  However, we really wanted to see a sunset at Smathers Beach.  I am happy with how the water/paint rolled down the page (when held vertical) to build the waves.  The dark green masses on the beach is the plethora of sea grass that washed onto the shore.  And if you look real close (click to embiggen), you can see the actual sand from the beach that I accidentally spilled on the paper.

And above is a poor attempt to stitch both halves together to better show how the paint ran down the paper to create cool looking waves.

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